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Constant developments in multimedia technologies as well as accessibility to the internet have given rise to the popular concept of Electronic Learning or eLearning as it is better known.
Online learning has evolved since computers were first used in education. There is however, a trend to move towards blended learning services, which is a very appealing prospect for organizations, in that computer-based activities are integrated with practical or classroom-based sessions.
This can be a very cost-effective and practical solution for companies and staff alike as the eLearning components of the training can be conducted at the participant’s own pace, in his/her own time and saves the organisation and the individual on time spent out of the office.
Technology has afforded today’s workforce with flexibility in terms of working hours, location and space. Remote workstations and virtual offices now mean that individuals can work at anytime, anywhere. Shouldn’t learning environments then be conducive to the accepted norm?
The Business School of South Africa via our online learning brand Skye Academy – your campus in the cloud, offers a wide variety of online course content that is aligned to global strategies, internationally recognized, locally certified and endorsed by acknowledged bodies of authority.
We assist organizations with the setup of their own online corporate academies as well as developing company-specific content to be delivered through online mediums. Learning has never before been this accessible nor more affordable.
When you employ people, you need an effective solution in place to ensure that they are kept informed, skilled and knowledgeable. The business performance depends on people performance.
The easiest way to do this is via Electronic Learning. We can help you convert your existing content into a user-friendly, fun, interactive and engaging format that saves your business money in the long-term. Eliminate costly and unnecessary expenditure for training that doesn’t require a face-to-face element in order to deliver the message, such as company orientation and legislative content