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Learnerships are directly related to an occupation or field of work. To build the necessary skills required to perform in this field, the student requires relevant practical experience.The training programme includes structured theoretical trainingas well ason-the-job exposure. Hence, a Learnership is usually implemented via a Tripartite Agreement signed between the Learner, the Employer (Host) and the Training Provider (Accrediting Institution).
Learnerships are accessible to both Employed and Unemployed candidates and may be conducted as funded or unfunded initiatives overseen by the relevant SETA. The Learner is paid a monthly stipend whilst working towards a recognized qualification.
The duration of a Learnership varies and is usually dependent on the qualification objectives. A minimum duration of 12 months is the average requirement for a NQF Level 4 or 5 business-related qualification.
Learnerships are open for enrolment to anyone that meets the entry requirements of the SAQA qualification that the Learnership is aligned to. Internships are only open to Graduates. Interns are people that have already obtained a degree and who require the necessary workplace experience in order to fulfil the practical knowledge areas in their field of study.
An Internship often includes a Skills Programme where interns undergo specific workplace-based accredited training that may or may not be linked to their degree. For example: Business Etiquette, Ethics, Emotional Intelligence, Diversity Training and other “soft skills” that did not form part of their qualification.
The Learning Programme Matrix of the amended Broad Based Black Economic (B-BBEE) Codes of Good Practice effective May 2015 states that maximization of scorecard points can be claimed in categories B, C and D (Internships, Learnerships and Apprenticeships). Stipends and salaries can be added to the 6% minimum thresholdas skills expenditure.
The Business School of South Africa can assist you with all aspects in terms of planning, advertising, recruitment, selection and implementation of your Learnership or Internship programme.
By engaging our services, you will automatically gain access to the onlineSMART-LMS utilized for screening, pre-assessment, learning administration and all reporting activities.
We view our clients as strategic partners. By collaborating our efforts, we can assist you to achieve your compliance objectives whilst efficiently deploying skills development initiatives that effectively address the critical skills deficiencies of our country. It’s a WIN-WIN-WIN situation. Contact us to discuss your options.